Eva Healthcare
Serious incident investigation software for the healthcare sector.
Verita has used its extensive experience of investigations to develop software to help people carrying out serious incident investigations. Partnering with iCoTech (a software specialist) and Microsoft, we have developed a revolutionary technology which guide users through the investigation process.
What does Eva do?
Simple, streamlined and standardised – Eva takes investigators through the investigation process with the support of training tools and automated tips. Eva helps users to:
- Produce high quality, perfectly formatted reports
- Pool information about investigations in a centralised dashboard where managers can monitor progress across an organisation
- Review a large number of reports in one place so that themes can be detected in real-time
- Share data across hospitals, sites and healthcare systems, with state-of-the-art security and privacy features, for shared learning and broader patient safety improvements.
Eva is easy to integrate with existing patient safety processes and Microsoft products such as Teams.
How does Eva work?
“The patient safety agenda is important to me, and I strongly believe properly integrated technology has the power to further enhance safety and improve outcomes for patients”
“Not only can the right use of technology save time and money, it can improve patient safety”
Matt Hancock MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

How will the Eva investigation tool benefit you?
Informed by Verita’s thousands of investigations, Eva is an intuitive tool for patient safety investigators. It streamlines the process to foster greater consistency and quality in reporting. Importantly, this Microsoft-powered technology will also improve time and resource management, governance and regulatory compliance at boardroom level, and the overall experiences of patients and their families.
Eva clarifies the investigation process with features such as standardised step-by-step investigation processes to encourage consistency and improved experiences for investigators. The 24/7 Eva portal also allows patients and families to track progress and stay informed from a manageable and controlled environment.

Eva saves time by offering the automated creation of final reports, in the form of customisable Word documents. This reduces time spent writing reports and studying data whilst ensuring seamless integration with everyday tools like Outlook and Word to reduce administrative tasks.
Eva improves patient safety governance by providing standardised processes and built-in training tools to improve report quality and reduce ‘back and forth’ correspondence between investigators and governance teams. Alerts and insights into themes that arise help develop real-time knowledge and recommendations for board-level discussions and review.
Learning and sharing from investigations is accelerated by Eva’s creation of consistent reports, both in terms of quality and format. Findings can be collated into a set of dashboards and accessed for easy interrogation at the click of a button. In addition, subject to use agreement, Eva will be able to anonymise your investigation data and aggregate this with data from other organisations, exponentially increasing the potential for learnings.
Eva combines knowledge, technology and data to improve patient safety. Here’s how:
Data-driven change: more consistent, high-quality data provides unprecedented insights into patient safety.
With the strictest of privacy and data protection features, Eva represents a unique opportunity to share learnings across sites, trusts and on a national level.
Fostering patient care: simply put, better investigations generate improved data, which reveal greater insights.
The learning can then be used to improve systems which ultimately result in safer services and better care for patients.
Industry expertise: Eva is designed using Verita’s more than seventeen years of investigation consultancy. Our expertise is drawn from hundreds of investigations and reviews – including high profile cases such as the oversight of the Savile investigations for the Department of Health. Verita’s experience has informed every aspect of Eva, from its processes through to its training and guidance features.
User-friendly focus: Eva was developed following hundreds of hours of consultations with patient safety teams from some of the UK’s largest healthcare providers.
The result is a user-friendly and intuitive tool that enables frontline staff to conduct better investigations and save valuable time.
Find out more
To learn more about Eva and how the application could transform your organisation’s investigation process, visit the Eva website or contact Verita director Chris Brougham on 07872 130637 or at [email protected] to schedule a free demonstration.